Huajian Yao
Journal Papers
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50. Chen K.-X., H. Kuo-Chen, D. Brown,  Q. Li, Z. Ye, W.-T. Liang, C.-Y. Wang, H. Yao, 2016. 3D ambient noise tomography across the Taiwan Straight: the structure of a magma-poor rifted margin. Tectonics35, doi:10.1002/2015TC004097.(pdf download)

49. Hu J., Qian J., Guo H., Wang K., Zhai Q., Zhang H., Yao H., Zhang W., An M., 2016. Extraction of seismic arrival times and seismic tomography with airgun data recorded on Lujiang seismic network from the Yangtze River Active Source Experiment in Anhui based on station-pair waveform cross-correlation. Earthquake Res. in China, 32(2), 343-355

胡景,钱佳威,郭浩,王康东,翟秋实,张海江,姚华建,张伟,安美建, 2016. 基于长江安徽段气枪主动源实验庐江台阵的台站对双差地震速度成像. 中国地震,32(2),343-355

48. Zhai Q#., Yao H.*, Wang B., 2016. Study on the deconvolution method and processing flow of airgun source data. Earthquake Res. in China, 32(2), 295-304. (PDF download)

翟秋实,姚华建,王宝善,2016.  气枪震源资料反褶积方法及处理流程研究. 中国地震,32(2),295-304

47. Yin J.#, Yang H.*, Yao H.*, Wang H.  Coseismic radiation and stress drop during the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel Chile megathrust earthquake. Geophys. Res. Lett.,  43,  doi:10.1002/2015GL067381. (PDF download)

46. Zhou Y., Ni S., Chu R., Yao H. 2016. Accuracy of the water column approximation in numerically simulating propagation of teleseismic PP waves and Rayleigh waves.  Geophys. J. Int., 206, 1315-1326 (PDF download)

45. Liu Z., Huang J., Yao H.  2016. Anisotropic Rayleigh wave tomography in Northeast China using ambient seismic noise.  Phys. Earth Planet Inter. , 256, 37-48 (PDF download)
44. Fang H#, Zhang H,* Yao H, Allam A, Zigone D, Ben-Zion Y, Thurber C, van der Hilst R D. 2016. A new three-dimensional joint inversion algorithm of body-wave and surface-wave data and its application to the Southern California Plate Boundary Region.  J. Geophys. Res., 121, 3557–3569, doi:10.1002/2015JB012702. (PDF download)
43. Li C.#, Yao H.*, Fang H., Huang X., Wan K., Zhang H., Wang K. 2016. Near surface shear wave velocity structure from ambient noise tomography and borehole data in the Hefei urban area, China. SRL, 87(4), 882-892,doi: 10.1785/0220150257. (PDF download)
42. Chen K., Chen B., Liang W., Yao H., Fang H., Su B., South Ilan Plain High-Resolution 3-D S-Wave Velocity from Ambient Noise Tomography, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), 27(3), 375-385 (PDF download)

41. Yuan Y.#Yao, H. *, Qin Y., 2015. Joint inversion of Rayleigh wave vertical-horizontal amplitude ratios and dispersion based on the Neighborhood Algorithm and its application, Chinese J. Geophys., 59(3), 959-971 (in Chinese) (PDF download)

袁艺#姚华建*,秦岩,2016. 基于邻域算法的瑞利面波垂直-水平振幅比及频散曲线联合反演及应用. 地球物理学报,59(3),959-971

40. Yin J.# & Yao H*.  2016. Rupture and Frequency-dependent Seismic Radiation of the 2012 Mw 8.6 Sumatra Strike-slip Earthquake.  Geophys. J. Int., 205, 1682-1693. (PDF download)
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